About KyCC

Our History

Kentucky Campus Compact (KyCC) was created in 2005 by a task force of Kentucky college and university presidents and has been housed at Northern Kentucky University since January 2006. KyCC is part of a national Campus Compact network with an office in Boston and 35 state and regional offices.

To learn more about the National Campus Compact, click here

Our Vision

Kentucky Campus Compact views colleges and universities as vital agents and architects of a diverse democracy, committed to educating students for responsible citizenship in ways that both deepen their education and improve the quality of community life. We challenge all of higher education to make civic and community engagement an institutional priority.

Our Values

KyCC is a values-based organization. Our team came together to codify in black and white what our value statements are:

        • Create Diverse Partnerships to Strengthen Impact
        • Embrace Challenging Conversations and Structures
        • Empower Active and Inclusive Citizenship
        • Infuse Fun
        • Respect and Accept Each Person
        • Seek Transformational Learning

These values serve as our compass as an organization and are in line with our mission.

Our Mission

Kentucky Campus Compact strives to advance the public purposes of colleges and universities by deepening their ability to improve community life and to educate students for civic and social responsibility. We work towards this goal by addressing the areas of College Access, College Success, and Community Impact.